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Pièces de Clavecin en Concerts
Jean Philippe Rameau

La Reverencia / Andrés Alberto Gómez

Pièces de Clavecin en Concerts

Price: € 12.95
Format: CD
Label: Vanitas
UPC: 8436001534985
Catnr: VA 06
Release date: 24 April 2015
1 CD
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€ 12.95
Catalogue number
VA 06
Release date
24 April 2015

About the album

In 1741 Rameau published his Pièces de clavecin en concert pour un violon ou une flûte, une viole ou un second violon. In these pieces he includes the flute, viola da gamba and harpsichord as three independent instruments playing together. Structured in five concerts, these pieces can be performed in quartet simply adding a violin, this version recorded by La Reverencia is based on this, offering a different and powerfull sonority. Besides the obvious beauty of this music, its interpretation required performers with great technical and musical qualities because of the difficulty of the score. This is the only example of chamber music in Rameau production and one of the most glorious examples in baroque French music that, in some way, expected the classic trio for piano, violin and cello.
Pour tout claveciniste, la première rencontre avec la musique de Rameau est un moment difficile à oublier dans la vie et en ce qui me concerne, très difficile. Je me souviens encore du plaisir immense que j'ai eu en découvrant son Premier livre de pièces de clavecin de 1706. Je passais des après-midis entiers à jouer l'Allemande et je sentais que j'avais devant moi un trésor d'une beauté extraordinaire; chaque nouvelle pièces était une découverte merveilleuse qui contenait en elle-même le plaisir pour le plaisir. L'Allemande de 1728, l'Entretien des Muses, la Gavotte en la, et ainsi jusqu'aux pièces de clavecin en concert qui révélèrent l'évidente constatation qu'à ma surprise, j'étais tombé amoureux de Rameau, bien que plus tard j'aille lui reprocher d'avoir si peu écrit pour la clavecin.

De toute évidence, une personne qui dès l'enfance avait démontré une véritable passion pour l'harmonie et qui, à l'âge de 8 ans était déjà préocupée par le fait que la sixte puisse suivre le triton, ne pouvait que surpasser toutes les autres. L'inventaire dressé à la mort de son père en 1698 (Rameau avait alors quinze ans) montre qu'il y avait chez lui un grand clavecin de deux claviers décoré de “chinoiseries”, un petit d'un seul clavier, quatre épinettes et une viole soprano. Même sa soeur, Catherine Rameau, fut une bonne claveciniste qui enseigna la musique toute sa vie à Dijon jusqu'à sa mort en 1762 (selon Maret).
Comme pour beaucoup de compositeurs de son temps (Couperin, Haendel ou Bach), le clavecin fut l'instrument qui le forma comme musicien et grâce auquel il pouvait exprimer ses idées dans l'intimité de sa vie et de son univers. Cependant, il arriva un moment où Rameau cessa pratiquement d'écrire pour cet instrument et se consacra avec passion à la composition pour la scène lyrique et à l'écriture d'imposants traités théoriques.
Nel 1741 Rameau pubblicò le sue Pièces de clavecin en concert pour un violon ou une flûte, une viole ou un second violon. In questa raccolta Rameau include tre strumenti concertanti – il traversiere, la viola da gamba e il clavicembalo –, in dialogo tra di loro. Articolati in cinque concerti, questi brani possono essere eseguiti come un quartetto, con la semplice aggiunta di un violino: la versione qui registrata da La Reverencia utilizza questo organico, offrendo una diversa sonorità. Oltre alla evidente bellezza di questa musica, la sua interpretazione richiede degli interpreti in possesso di grandi qualittà tecniche e musicali, a causa della difficoltà della partitura. Le Pièces de clavecin en concert sono l'unico esempio di musica da camera nella produzione di Rameau e uno dei capolavori della musica barocca francese che, in qualche modo, anticipa il trio classico per pianoforte, violino e violoncello.


La Reverencia

Since its creation, La Reverencia has specialized in musical performance according to historical criteria. Trained at some of the most prestigious early music centres the ensemble is made up of musicians with a long international music career.   An emphasis on taking a new look at the early music, together with a search for natural spontaneity in performance, are top priorities for this ensemble, who pretend to show a music in many cases forgotten but that it is an undeniable part of our history. From that point of view La Reverencia born with the motivation of spread the music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Its projects always have highlight for offering new readings of those repertories,.   Their discography and critics endorse them...
Since its creation, La Reverencia has specialized in musical performance according to historical criteria. Trained at some of the most prestigious early music centres the ensemble is made up of musicians with a long international music career.
An emphasis on taking a new look at the early music, together with a search for natural spontaneity in performance, are top priorities for this ensemble, who pretend to show a music in many cases forgotten but that it is an undeniable part of our history. From that point of view La Reverencia born with the motivation of spread the music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Its projects always have highlight for offering new readings of those repertories,.
Their discography and critics endorse them as one of the new and more promising Spanish ensembles. They have performed in many parts of Europe, participating in the major Early music festivals, always obtaining the unanimous support of critic and public.
In the last years they have work on the french and German repertoire with concerts dedicated to Rameau, Bach or Marais. In 2013 they shoted the film DE OCCULTA PHILOSOPHIA, a movie focused on baroque music that it was selected in several International Cinema Festivals as Buenos Aires (BAFICI 2013), Marseille (FIDMARSEILLE 2013), Sevilla (SEFF 2013). They created their own label: VANITAS ( whereby in the las years the present their projects.


Andrés Alberto Gómez (conductor)

He finished his harpsichord studies at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Holland) as a student of Jacques Ogg and at the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña, E.S.M.U.C. as a student of Béatrice Martin, obtaining the highest distinction and congratulations from the jury. He has made recordings for the Dutch Radio, the Slovenian Radio-television, WDR 3, Radio Catalonia, the Polish Radio-television and the labels ARSIS, PASSACAILLE, DYNAMIC, TAÑIDOS and VANITAS. He is founder and director of the ensemble La Reverencia. His performances as soloist and continuist cover all of Europe. He has performed with several renowned ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants, Tasto Solo or La Fura dels Baus, being directed by musicians such as William Christie, Paul Dombrecht, Paul...

He finished his harpsichord studies at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague (Holland) as a student of Jacques Ogg and at the Escuela Superior de Música de Cataluña, E.S.M.U.C. as a student of Béatrice Martin, obtaining the highest distinction and congratulations from the jury. He has made recordings for the Dutch Radio, the Slovenian Radio-television, WDR 3, Radio Catalonia, the Polish Radio-television and the labels ARSIS, PASSACAILLE, DYNAMIC, TAÑIDOS and VANITAS.

He is founder and director of the ensemble La Reverencia. His performances as soloist and continuist cover all of Europe. He has performed with several renowned ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants, Tasto Solo or La Fura dels Baus, being directed by musicians such as William Christie, Paul Dombrecht, Paul McCreesh, Roy Goodman, Richard Egarr or Ton Koopman.

In 2013 he recorded together with La Reverencia De Oculta Philosophia, a documentary film around Baroque music that was selected at numerous international festivals. His discography has always received the best criticism from the specialized press.

“Andrés Alberto Gómez has an unusual touch control. Adapt his articulation to phrasing with the mastery of the greatest”.

Philippe Ramin, Diapason (5 diapason)




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